Συνέντευξη στα αγγλικά; Μάθε πώς να προετοιμαστείς σωστά!

linq team
23 Ιουλίου, 2024

Στην πλέον παγκοσμιοποιημένη κοινωνία που ζούμε, ένα από τα απαραίτητα προσόντα που αναζητά η πλειονότητα των εργοδοτών είναι και η άριστη γνώση αγγλικών. Γεγονός αρκετά φυσιολογικό, εάν σκεφτεί κανείς πως -σήμερα- ακόμα και μικρές επιχειρήσεις συνεργάζονται με το εξωτερικό ή μπορούν πολύ πιο εύκολα να απευθυνθούν σε ένα διεθνές κοινό.

Και μπορεί στο βιογραφικό σου να αναγράφεται το “Κάτοχος διπλώματος Proficiency”, όμως -συχνά- η πραγματικότητα απέχει από τα πτυχία. Με άλλα λόγια, είναι πολύ συνηθισμένο φαινόμενο οι recruiters να επιθυμούν να ελέγξουν στην πράξη τις γνώσεις σου και ο πιο εύκολος τρόπος είναι μια συνέντευξη στα αγγλικά.

Έτσι, όπως και σε κάθε περίπτωση, η σωστή προετοιμασία είναι απαραίτητη και θα σε γλιτώσει από μπόλικο περιττό άγχος κατά τη διάρκεια της συζήτησης με τον/την recruiter. Δεν εννοούμε σε καμία περίπτωση να παπαγαλίσεις/αποστηθίσεις απαντήσεις, καθώς κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο το πιθανότερο είναι να μπλοκάρεις.

Κάθισε μπροστά από τον καθρέφτη σου και επένδυσε χρόνο στην προετοιμασία και ερωτήσεις που πρόκειται να σου τεθούν.  Και, εμείς σου παρέχουμε μερικές εκφράσεις bonus, που μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις σε κάθε περίπτωση!

Tell me about yourself

  • I was born and raised in …
  • I attended the University of …
  • I’ve just graduated from the University of …
  • I’ve worked for seven years as a …
  • I’ve worked for various companies including …
  • I enjoy playing …

Παράδειγμα: I’ve been working as a junior chef at a small Italian restaurant for 2 years and my duties included assisting the head chef and preparing salads. I have always been interested in food and cooking which was why I chose to follow this career path. I studied at ******* college, where I gained my first level cooking diploma.

Why are you interested in this job?

  • I want to take on more responsibility
  • In line with my qualifications …
  • I’m convinced that ‘company name’ is becoming one of the market leaders
  • I’m impressed by the quality of your products

Παράδειγμα: Construction design is in my blood—both my dad and my grandad were home builders who owned their own construction firm. From the time I entered college, I knew that I wanted my architecture career to be focused on sustainable, green design practices, so I earned my certification as a LEED Accredited Professional.

Why should we hire you?

  • You should hire me because I’m confident and ….
  • I’m a perfect fit for this job because …
  • I should be hired because I’m …
  • I think I’m a great match for this position.

Παράδειγμα: You should hire me because my experience is almost perfectly aligned with the requirements you asked for in your job listing. I have seven years’ progressive experience in the hospitality industry, advancing from my initial role as a front desk associate with Excalibur Resort and Spa to my current position there as a concierge. I’m well-versed in providing world-class customer service to an upscale clientele, and I pride myself on my ability to quickly resolve problems so that our guests enjoy their time with us.

Explain your strengths

  • I’ve always been a team player
  • I believe my strongest trait is my attention to details
  • I pay close attention to my customers’ needs
  • I’m an excellent communicator
  • I’m a trouble shooter
  • I’m good at problem solving
  • I’m good at multitasking
  • I’m self-motivated
  • I have very good time management skills

Παράδειγμα: To be a team-player – to work well with others. I consider myself to be a team-player. I like to work with other people and I find that it’s much easier to achieve something when everyone works together and communicates well.

Describe your weaknesses

  • I always try to solve my own problems instead of asking a colleague who might know the answer
  • I become nervous when …
  • Sometimes I have trouble delegating duties to others

Παράδειγμα: I sometimes am slower in completing my tasks compared to others because I really want to get things right. I will double or sometimes triple-check documents and files to make sure everything is accurate

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

  • I’m aiming to improve my skills as a …
  • I want to boost my career
  • I believe your company is an important player in its industry
  • I feel my skills set is a perfect fit for your team and I can contribute by …

Παράδειγμα: I’m someone who likes stability. My goal is to find a job that I can hold long term with a local company, becoming a valued employee as I gradually advance to positions of increasing authority and responsibility.

What do you know about our company?

  • Your company has proven to be …
  • The company is famous for …

Παράδειγμα: I know and love the fact that the company was founded in 1994 by a woman, Barbara Brown. I feel a real connection to the mission and values of this company and I am so impressed by how much it has grown over the last several years. The work that you did for Monroe was so innovative yet heartfelt and I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted to be a part of the creative team here. I was really glad to see that your work on that campaign was recognized with an ADDY this past year.

What salary do you expect to earn?

  • I’ll need information about the job responsibilities before we can discuss the salary
  • I’m sure that your company offers a fair, competitive salary for someone with my experience
  • My salary expectations are in line with my qualifications and education

Παράδειγμα: Reliable salary calculators, like the one used by Glassdoor.com, say that sous chefs here in Portland average around $45,000 a year, 1% above the national average. I brought home around $42,000 last year. While I would definitely welcome a salary over $45K, particularly given the cost of living here, I’m open to negotiation if a lower salary was accompanied by greater flexibility in scheduling and additional vacation time.

Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?

  • How soon do you expect to make a decision?
  • Do you have a training and development program?

Επίσης κρίναμε ιδιαίτερα βοηθητική τη σειρά των 5 video “How to Interview for a Job in American English” που μπορείς να βρεις και να παρακολουθήσεις δωρεάν στο Youtube, από την καθηγήτρια αγγλικών Rachel!


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