Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions for the use of the services of www.linq.co


The following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the «General Terms»), have been established by the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMPANY under the name CollegeLink Private Equity Company and the distinctive title CollegeLink P.C, (Address: 62 Spyrou Patsi, Athens, 11855, Greece), with Tax ID 800724735, Tax Office A’ Athens, with professional registration number 358,377 of the Professional Chamber of Athens, and the following contact details (telephone number: 211 18 20 597, email: [email protected]) (hereinafter referred to as «linq»).

linq owns and legally operates and manages the online platform hosted on the website www.linq.co (hereinafter the «Website»), which Platform is made available to registered Members for the purpose of offering and finding employment.

In particular, through any (mobile) phone, computer and any electronic device in general, the Member Companies that provide internships and work placements to candidates and/or university graduates (the «Companies»), may advertise on the Platform to find candidate(s) for recruitment to fill vacancies in their Businesses, and the potential candidates Members (the «Candidates») who are looking for a job may create their personal profile/resume, a prerequisite for their selection by the Businesses – Members (hereinafter the «Service»).

The following General Terms and Conditions define the terms and conditions under which linq provides the Service to its registered Members, the navigation of the website and the use of services provided without membership (e.g., advertising, external links, etc.) (hereinafter the «other services»), and constitute the legally binding terms between linq and visitors/registered Members regarding the Service and the other services provided by linq through the website. The present General Terms apply as set out above, regardless of the electronic means that visitors and Members may use to access the Service and other services of www.linq.co.

The access and navigation on the Website by the visitor and/or the use of the Service by the Members, confirms the reading, understanding and unconditional acceptance by the visitors/Members of these General Terms and Conditions (including the Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy) without any exception.

In case that the visitor / Member disagrees with any or all of these terms, he/she must not use the Service in any way. Any use of the Service by the aforementioned persons implies their unconditional acceptance of and compliance with them, and each time they enter www.linq.co they reconfirm their agreement with linq with the present General Conditions.

Please be noted that linq may from time to time modify or replace all and/or part of the General Terms at its sole discretion and/or when the modification/replacement is required by law, without prior notice to the Member. Any amendments will be applicable from the date of their posting on the Website. linq shall inform the visitor / Member of any modification of these General Terms and Conditions, upon entering the Site, so the continuation of navigation on the Website by the visitor, the use of the service by Members, implies the automatic and unconditional acceptance of the modified General Terms and Conditions on their part. If the visitor/Member does not agree with the amendments, he/she must not perform any action and/or use the Website, and the Members may request the immediate deactivation of the display of the job or their personal profile on the Platform.

By the use of the Service, the visitor/Member agrees that any claim against any third party and/or Members for any of their actions and/or omissions is limited to these persons and no liability is attributed to linq for the actions/omissions of these persons.



In addition to the terms and definitions given in these General Terms and Conditions, the following definitions also apply: linq.co content: means the content that linq makes available through the Website and includes any content for which it has received permission to display, but does not include content posted on the Website by a Visitor or Member. Content: means, without any limitation, any information, data, text, photographs, video, software, script, graphics, interactive features, etc. The Visitor: means any natural person who browses the Website and/or makes use of other services provided on the Website by linq for the use of which no membership registration is required. Member: means the Candidate or Business, as defined herein. Legal representative: means the natural person who according to the law or the articles of association binds the Business/Practitioner in his/her transactions with third parties including linq. Representative Data: means the personal data of the legal representative of the Business. Candidate-Member: means any Candidate who uses the Service, creates his/her personal profile and searches for a job. Authorized User: means the natural entity that registers and/or uses the Service in the name and on behalf of the Member. Business Member: means the legal person or professional who registers with the linq Service provided on the Website and creates an account at www.linq.co in order to advertise on the Platform for the purpose of finding candidate(s) for recruitment and filling vacancies in his/her business. Account Member: means the account that is automatically opened by linq upon completion of the Member’s registration to the Service and to which Members have access through their passwords for the purpose of managing their data. Business Information: means the set of information relating to both the Business, including but not limited to the name, job sought, website, what is offered for the job, type of business, number of employees, year of establishment, business location, links to the business via Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, etc. Business Profile: means the page of the Business within the Website, on which the Business Information is displayed, as well as information about the jobs posted and the candidates who have applied for the jobs. Candidate Information: means all the information and personal data concerning the Candidate that are displayed in the Candidate’s Profile, such as name, surname, gender, date of birth, telephone number and contact address (contact details, CV details, etc.). Candidate Profile: means the Candidate’s page within the Website which hosts all the Candidate’s Information and CV. Resume: means the corresponding page of the Candidate’s Profile on the Website, which contains information regarding the Candidate’s education, professional experience, languages spoken, skills and qualifications, etc. Membership: means the amount/fee that the Business must pay to linq in order to be able to access Candidate’s information, or to open a job or promote a job through linq. Service: means the linq Service provided through the Website. Services (Other): means any linq service provided on the Website (other than the Service) to visitors and/or Members of the Service, without the need for such persons to register as Members in order to use the Service. Intellectual Property Rights: means any patent, copyright, copyright, invention, database copyright, design right, registered design, trademark, trade name, trade mark, logo, service mark, expertise, utility model, unregistered design or, where applicable, any application for such a right, expertise, trade or company name, domain name (with any suffix, for example com., eu. etc. or other similar right or obligation, whether registered or not, or any other industrial or intellectual property right existing in any territory or jurisdiction in the world. Associates: means agents, representatives, representatives, employees, customers, suppliers, third party providers, assistants, proxies, and any natural and/or legal person acting in the name of and on behalf of either linq or Members. Management Tool: means the Account, Profile management system provided by linq to Members upon registration. Website: means the website www.linq.co or any other website hosting the Service in the future, in linq’s sole discretion.

  • The General Privacy Policy and Acceptance Use of Policy is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.
  • The headings of the articles of the General Conditions are not restrictive in their explanation.
  • Any reference to or definition of words that are in the singular number include their plural number.



The registration of the Members in the Service is a necessary condition in order for the Companies to create their Profile on the Platform and to display the vacancies they offer and other relevant information concerning them, and for Candidates to be able to use the Service. Registration as a Member is free of charge, while Membership is personal, non-transferable and unregistered. For Member-Companies there is a subscription fee to be paid in order to have access to the Candidate Information. Members are responsible for the data and information they provide and linq relies solely and exclusively on their representations regarding their data and information. The personal data that Members provide when registering as a Member, linq processes it in accordance with the terms and provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and its General Data Protection Regulation.

Membership Subscription Procedure

1 Candidate Registration

Any Candidate’s registration as a Member of the linq Service is necessary in order to use it. The registration process is quick and simple: Once the Candidate has chosen to register under this status (candidate), he/she must provide the email address (email) and a password of his/her choice and at the same time accept these General Terms and Conditions and the email and password provided by any candidate during registration are the login details to his/her Profile (Candidate). In the event that the Candidate may forget the password he/she has provided, he/she has the right to retrieve it through his/her email. Further information regarding the type, purpose of the processing, the recipients of the data and the exercise of the rights of the Members in relation to them is contained in the linq Privacy Policy.

2. Business Registration

The Business Registration in the linq Service is a prerequisite for the use of the linq Service. The process is easy, quick and free of charge (Subscription payment excluded). The email and password provided by the legal representative of the Business during registration are the login details to the Business’s Profile (Business). In the event that the Merchant forgets the password he has declared, he has the right to recover it through the email he has declared.

Account Member

Upon completion of registration with the Service, the Candidate/Business acquires the status of Member. As Members, they acquire an Account on linq, which stores their data and the information provided to linq during the registration process. The data and information entered during registration must be complete, true and up-to-date. In the event that the Member wishes to change any of their data, they shall log into their Account and save their new data/items. By registering in accordance with the above, the Member expressly consents to the collection and processing of his/her data and information under these General Terms and Conditions and the linq Privacy Policy, which Terms and Policies he/she declares to have read, understood and fully and unconditionally accepted. At any time, the possibility of withdrawing consent to the collection and processing of data provided by the Member in accordance with the above is provided either by unsubscribing as the Member or by sending a message to linq at [email protected]. At any moment the Member has access to his/her data or may also at any time request their immediate deletion or correction (in case the Member does not do so himself/herself through his/her Account), their temporary non-use by linq, their blocking or non-transmission, by sending a request to [email protected]. In any case, however, the Member’s data will be kept by linq only for as long as he/she remains a registered Member of linq, without prejudice to what is expressly set forth in the terms and conditions of the present Terms of Use. Member’s data shall not be disclosed to any third party for any purpose other than that clearly set out in these General Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If the Member wishes to have his/her Account deleted, he/she should send linq his/her request in writing to [email protected]. linq shall take all necessary steps to delete the Account of the Member in question as soon as possible, and at the latest within 72 hours (due to technical issues).

Candidate Profile

By registering as a Member of the Service and opening an Account, the Candidate is given the opportunity to create his/her Profile. In particular, the Candidate declares on the Profile page his/her Information, which can be filled in and/or modified by the Candidate whenever he/she wishes. The Candidate, through his/her Profile, on the special Resume page, can configure his/her CV. To formulate the resume, he/she indicates in the Resume tab, the following information, as it may be changed from time to time: A) what profession he/she is interested in – what is the job position and the subject of interest B) what is his/her education, what degree he/she has, from which university/school, when he/she graduated, the degree and the level of (training) knowledge C) what is his/her professional experience, name of former/former employer, how long he/she worked, in what job, what was the subject of his/her employment D) what languages he/she knows how to speak E) what are his/her qualifications/skills in general 2. 5 Business Profile Upon completion of the Business registration and the opening of its Account, the Business is given the opportunity to create its Profile, i.e. its own page within the Platform. In particular, the Company posts its Information and also through its Profile on the Overview page to create and post its own job advertisements depending on the needs it has at any given time. At the same time, through its Profile on the Applicants page, it can monitor which applicants have applied for a job and also view the Candidate Information for as many Candidates as are included in the Subscription paid to linq. It is possible for the Business to view all resumes of Candidate Applicants (without the Candidate Information) and for as many resumes as they are interested in they have access to the Candidate Information provided they have submitted the Subscription to linq.



linq is providing www.linq.co to Registered Members as an online platform for the posting, display and presentation of job vacancies by Businesses for the purpose of recruiting to fill them and for the ability of Candidates to search for and find jobs to be employed.

Process, Terms and Conditions

Any Candidate has the capability to see all the jobs posted, so that if he/she is interested in a position he/she can apply and enter the applicants page in the Company’s Profile. The Company may post jobs, provided that it pays the appropriate Subscription according to the needs it has in each period of time, so that the Candidate Members of the Service can see them. It may state very specific criteria/qualifications with regard to the job in order to ensure that Candidates who express interest are the most suitable for the job.

Ranking of Companies/Jobs – Candidate Profile

linq does not recommend, approve or endorse the Companies and/or the jobs they offer, nor the Candidate Members and their Profiles. It is not and should not be considered as a means of suggesting or endorsing any Business and/or job or Candidate position available on the Platform. The order in which Businesses and the job vacancies advertised by them appear on the Platform and the order in which the Profiles of Candidates are displayed on the Platform is automatically and unilaterally determined by linq. In particularly, the order of display is based and influenced solely on the date on which the Candidate’s Profile or the Company’s Profile was created. The last Company Profile or Candidate Profile registered on the Platform will be displayed first and so on. linq reserves the right to unilaterally vary the way Companies and/or Jobs and/or Candidate Profiles are displayed, by informing Members by posting on the Website, as set out in these General Terms and Conditions regarding the modification of the present. 

Member Data – Member Comments

Each Member has the opportunity at any time to change, complete or delete his/her data. Members of the Service are not allowed to display or submit comments about any Candidate or Business.



linq’s operation is limited to facilitating the search for jobs posted by the Business for the prospective Candidate, it does not own and manage any Business and does not provide advertisements for the search for jobs of the Businesses, nor does it provide guarantees for the quality of the services of the Businesses and vice versa for the quality, validity, etc. of the services provided by the Candidates to the Business as declared, for their ethics and conduct.

linq Rights and Liabilities


Besides the cases mentioned in these General Terms and Conditions regarding the deletion of a Member Account, linq expressly reserves the right to delete the Member Account in the following cases: a) In case the Merchant is in bankruptcy or has filed for bankruptcy and/or liquidation. b) In the event that the Member in linq’s sole discretion violates the Acceptable Use Policy of the Service, and/or violates any term or provision stated in these General Terms and Conditions and/or has committed, in linq’s sole discretion, a criminal or other offense while using the Service and/or has caused imminent danger-damage to linq and/or any Member, and/or for any other good cause not stated herein. In the aforementioned cases, Account deletion is immediate and automatic, without linq giving the Member the right to remove the violation, and expressly reserves all its legal rights, including the right to recover any damages it may have suffered from the acts and/or omissions of their Members’ pursuant to the foregoing.  


Other than as stated in these General Terms and Conditions regarding the deletion of a Member’s Account, linq expressly reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to temporarily deactivate the Member’s Account immediately and without compensation, in the event that linq determines that he or she has violated any term hereof or has any outstanding debts to linq and until he or she has remedied the violation within a period of time that linq, in its sole discretion, has set for him or her. In the event of non-compliance, linq may permanently deactivate the Member’s Account, expressly reserving all of its legal rights, including the right to recover any damages it may have suffered as a result of the Member’s acts and/or omissions under the foregoing. It is understood and agreed that the Member may not, in the cases referred to in Articles V.2.1 and V.2 .2 to claim redress for any loss suffered by it as a result of the deactivation of the Service in accordance with the above provisions, even if the indications on which linq relied to deactivate the Account were incorrect, inasmuch as it acknowledges and accepts that the automated means used by linq to detect any illegal or unconventional activities of Members are based on either general standard/automated instructions of a software program which may include and/or make It is understood that a Member who has been removed from the Service is prohibited from rejoining the Service with the same or different information unless linq expressly consents to do so. For this purpose, the Member consents to linq retaining his/her personal information in its system in order to be able to identify any subsequent attempt to register him/her. Any debts owed by the Member to the Company shall be immediately due and payable. Any submitted and received assessments of a Member shall continue to appear after the loss of membership.


linq reserves the right, for technical reasons, maintenance and/or upgrading of the Platform and/or the Service, to temporarily and periodically suspend the operation of the Service. In the event that such interruption lasts for more than a reasonable period of time in linq’s sole discretion, or has already been determined by the same scheduled interruption, linq will inform Members by posting on the Website. It is expressly agreed that Members may not bring a claim against linq for any damages they may suffer as a result of such interruption even if linq in its sole discretion fails to give notice of such interruption. In addition to what is expressly set forth herein, linq may at any time terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any individual feature of the Service, including the availability of the Service itself, provided that it has given Members at least a reasonable period of notice to that effect at least one reasonable time prior to the discontinuance described in this provision. linq specifically reserves the right in its sole discretion to temporarily disable  the Service.


linq always acts in good faith and within the framework of the law and these General Terms and Conditions. Accordingly, it has taken and continues to take all necessary technical or other measures and makes every effort to ensure that (a) the Service will operate continuously and properly without problems, interruptions, delays, errors or mistakes, (b) the technology it uses or the servers through which the Service is made available to Users and employers is free of viruses or other harmful components, but makes NO WARRANTIES as to all of the above. In addition, linq makes no warranty (a) as to the suitability, effectiveness, adequacy of the Service with respect to the purpose for which the Member is using it (b) the proper and proper performance of Users’ and Employers’ transactional obligations to others with respect to the job location, the provision of the Service and their obligations thereunder. Similarly, linq does not warrant that the Website or any other related website or similar servers are free of «viruses» or other harmful materials. The Member is solely responsible for the security and protection of his/her system and uses the services and the Website/Application at his/her own risk. Links to other websites. The website provides the possibility of accessing third party websites through special links, the content of which is the sole responsibility of their owners and the use of which is subject to their respective terms and/or policies. Reference to other websites does not give rise to any liability on the part of linq with regard to their availability, quality, completeness, content or operation in accordance with the law, whether in relation to intellectual and industrial property rights or any other third party’s rights. The use of links and other third party’s websites is at the Member’s or Visitor’s risk. Hence Members and Visitors are obliged to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact the providers of these websites directly for anything arising from their visit and/or use.


The Service is provided ‘as it is distributed ‘ and available in a fully automated manner and does not involve the input by linq of any item into the Service’s system, nor any configuration on an ad hoc basis. The Service may be customized in the future at linq’s sole discretion. linq takes all technical and other measures necessary to ensure that Members comply with these Terms and applicable law, but as an Information Society Service Provider, linq has no general and statutory obligation to provide the Service to Members: (a) monitoring information provided to it by employers; (b) actively seeking facts or circumstances that indicate that a Member has engaged in illegal or unconventional activities in the use of the Service and/or in the performance of work; (c) actively seeking authorization given by the Member to its Authorized User, nor the legitimacy of the Authorized Users with respect to their acts and/or omissions in using the Service on behalf of and in the name of the Users acting on their behalf; (d) checking the compliance of Users and employers in their dealings and services with tax, privacy, consumer protection or other applicable laws and regulations.


linq, if requested to act by a competent law enforcement, supervisory, judicial or other authority, shall be obliged to transfer the Member’s data, including any personal data provided to linq hereunder and any other information provided to it, without prior notification or consent of such persons, for the necessary protection against risks to state and public security and for the prosecution of criminal acts, including tax crimes and other criminal offences. 


The information about jobs and prospective Candidates that linq publishes on the platform is based on the information it receives from the Businesses and the Candidate respectively. While linq makes every effort to verify this information, linq can neither confirm nor guarantee that all information is accurate, complete or correct, nor can it be held responsible for any errors (including obvious and typographical errors), for interference due to (temporary and/or partial) suspension of operations, restoration, upgrading or maintenance of the Website or any other cause), for inaccurate, misleading or untrue information or for failure to distribute the information. In addition to what is expressly set forth herein, linq shall have no liability, civil, criminal, or otherwise, to Members, Authorized Users, their Associates, and/or any third party claiming rights from them, in the event that any of the foregoing, in the use of the Service, suffers direct damages, indirect, incidental, consequential, consequential loss to his profits, business, income, reputation, reduced sales of his products and frequency of provision of his services, or suffer any other damage of a direct, indirect or consequential, economic or other nature, loss of profits, due to: (a) Delayed or improper sending, transmission, transmission, transmission, storage, reception of any information and/or Content, and/or loss, destruction thereof, due to errors, omissions, technical glitches, faults or malfunctions of the telecommunication networks, the Internet, the website, the Internet Service Providers. (b) Any permanent or temporary disablement of the Service, shutdown of all or part of the Service, or technical malfunctions of the Service as set forth herein. (c) Any events, circumstances, actions, acts and/or omissions of linq or third parties including Members/Authorized Users for which linq makes no warranties and assumes no liability as set forth herein. (d) Employers’ or third parties’ use of Users’ data (including any personal data) for purposes other than the use of the Service. (e) Violation of applicable tax or other laws related to, but not limited to, the use of the Service. (f) Any discrepancy between the time of the Service’s time system and any officially established time. (g) Circumstances of force majeure. In addition to the foregoing, the following are expressly agreed: The Companies shall enter into autonomous contracts with Candidates between themselves for the job at their sole risk. The relevant contracts, which may be based on these General Conditions, shall be binding solely and exclusively on those who are solely responsible for their performance. Under no circumstances shall linq be a party to such contracts or acquire any rights or obligations under them. linq, its Affiliates and/or its Associates shall not be liable in any way for the risks associated with entering into, initiating and completing the above referenced contracts between Businesses and Candidates and shall not be liable in any way for any damages arising out of the transactions between them. linq in providing the Service does not become a Business or Candidate itself and therefore has no responsibility or obligation to secure the obligations of those subject to applicable law or to secure the rights of Members under applicable law, except as expressly reserved herein. Any grievances or claims relating to the Workplace and the Business or the specific requests of Candidates shall be handled by the Members without the mediation or intervention of linq. linq shall not be responsible and disclaims all liability with respect to Members’ job requirements. linq may, in its discretion, provide customer support service to the Member or act as an intermediary or otherwise assist the Member with its communications or actions against another Member. In any event, it is expressly agreed that linq shall only be liable for direct damages arising out of its own fraudulent intent or gross negligence. Subject to mandatory provisions of law, linq’s liability for direct damages due to slight negligence is expressly excluded regardless of the legal cause. linq’s liability for indirect or consequential damages is completely and expressly excluded, regardless of the cause. THE LIMITATIONS ON COMPENSATION SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL APPLY EVEN IF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE NOT FULFILLED OR ARE HELD INVALID OR UNENFORCEABLE, AND MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE REASONABLE AND FORM THE BASIS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT WITHOUT SUCH LIMITATIONS linq WOULD NOT HAVE JOINED THIS AGREEMENT. However, to the extent permitted by law, neither linq nor any of its employees, directors, officers, representatives, associates, affiliates, distributors, online partners, franchisees, agents or others involved in the creation, sponsorship, promotion or otherwise providing the Service, linq shall not be liable for (i) any punitive, special, indirect or consequential damages or loss, any loss of production, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of contract, loss or damage to patronage or reputation, loss of compensation, (ii) any inaccuracy regarding the information (description) of the jobs provided on the Site; (iii) any (direct, indirect, consequential or punitive) damages, losses or charges which the Member has suffered, paid or incurred pursuant to, following or in connection with the use, inability to use or delay in using the Site; or (v) for any (personal) injury, death, damage to personal property or other (direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive) damage, loss or charges which the Member has suffered, paid or caused, arising either from (legal) acts, errors or breaches.

Obligations of the Members

General information

Members are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the password to the Service and not to disclose it to any third party without the corresponding permission to use the Service on their behalf. If the Member believes that the password has been stolen or disclosed to a third party without his/her permission, he/she must change it, otherwise he/she shall be solely responsible for his/her acts or omissions on the Platform. Members must respect the intellectual property rights of third parties, their personal data and their personality and not infringe them by posting comments, information and in general by their acts and/or omissions on the Service. It is expressly agreed that Members are solely responsible for the legality and accuracy of the information, data and data they provide to linq during the registration process or use of the Service. Members expressly and unconditionally represent and warrant that:

  • They have fully read and understood the current General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Acceptable Use Policy and any other policies (e.g.of the Merchant with whom they are booking) and accept them fully and unconditionally.
  • In the case of a third-party acts in their interest and on their behalf (Authorized User) that it has obtained all necessary permissions for the provision of the Member’s data, data and information concerning the Member, including consents, in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of the personal data of the subjects it provides.
  • At their own responsibility and expense they will immediately take all necessary measures and in any case will fully compensate us linq, from any claim, loss, damage, costs, expenses, liabilities, liabilities, discrepancies, penalties, fines, attorneys’ fees that such persons may incur as a result of (a) any breach by them of these General Terms, its representations and warranties hereunder, linq’s intellectual property or other rights (b) any other act or omission in the use of the Service and/or other services that is contrary to law.
  • They shall respect the Service’s  Acceptable Use Policy.

  In accordance with the aforementioned, the Members agree and undertake not to utilize the Service for:

  • posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that is unlawful for any reason, causes unlawful injury or damage to linq or any third party, or violates the confidentiality or privacy of any individual’s information,
  • posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that causes offence to users’ morals, social values, minors, etc,
  • posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of linq or others,
  • sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material that contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation of any software or computer hardware,

Additionally, linq specifically states that Members accept that the password of Members is personal and non-transferable, therefore Members are prohibited from assigning the right to use their passwords. linq shall not be liable for any damage or loss that may arise from the unauthorized or illegal use of the password by third parties, due to leakage or for any other reason, and they reserve the right to seek compensation from the Member in the event that they suffer any kind of damage from the unauthorized or illegal use of the password. Members confirm that they are of legal age to use the Service and create binding legal obligations for any liability that may arise as a result of such use. Members acknowledge and expressly consent and accept that the use of the Service is at their sole risk and any act/omission is binding on the Member exclusively and that the Service is made available for personal and not commercial use only. Any act and/or omission of the Authorized User in relation to the Service is subject to their approval and acceptance and therefore binds the Members and creates rights and obligations for them. Particular obligations of Members Each Member retains responsibility at all times for the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information (including prices and availability) displayed in his/her Profile on the Platform. The Members clarify and commit that the Information will in any case be true, accurate and not misleading and that they are in any case responsible for the correct and up-to-date status of the Information. Each Company and each Candidate is obliged to accept the Candidate and Company respectively as a party. Businesses must provide the jobs for which an application has been made and in the event that a Business is unable to meet its obligations hereunder for any reason, the relevant Company must immediately inform the Candidate. Companies are obliged to provide accurate and lawful information about vacancies and to provide full and clear information about the type of services, how, when and where they are provided by the Candidate. The Companies are obliged to pay the Subscription to linq upon opening an Account, each Member has the right to access and use the linq administration tool, which enables Members to manage their profile. Use of the linq administrative tool must be in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy.  Member acknowledges and expressly consents and accepts that:

  • The use of the Service is at the sole risk of the User and any act/ omission binds the User exclusively.
  • It shall undertake all appropriate legal and technical measures and means to ensure that it is bound by these General Terms and Conditions.
  • Will report to linq in written form at [email protected] any event, action or omission by any Member or third party that constitutes or is believed to constitute a violation of these General Terms of Use, and/or their personal data.
  • The Member has no right to resell, direct link, use, copy, monitor (e.g.spider, scrape), present, download or reproduce any content or information, software, products or services available on the Website for any commercial or competitive activity or purpose.
  • Any action and/or omission by the Authorized User in relation to the Service is subject to the approval and acceptance of the Member and therefore binds the Member and generates rights and obligations for the Member.
  • In using the Service, the Member accepts that the details and all other information, including information about jobs published on the Platform, may contain inaccuracies, mistranslations or typing errors.



linq reserves the right to advertise on various sites of its choice on the Internet and to use affiliates or third-party advertising companies, as appropriate. linq reserves the right to display third party advertisements through the Site. Advertisements may contain external links to third party websites. It is the responsibility of advertisers to ensure that their advertisements and their content are lawful, do not infringe on the rights of third parties, and are not offensive, false, fraudulent or misleading. It is prohibited to post advertisements on the Website with subject matter or content that is abusive, threatening, pornographic, nudity, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, gambling and betting, weapons, explosives, viruses or other inappropriate programs, pyramid schemes, illegal activities, or any other inappropriate content in linq’s sole discretion. All advertisements must be appropriate to the community of the Website and respect the rights of third parties, whether individuals or entities. No advertisement may imply that it is endorsed, approved or made in association with linq or the Website. linq may, at any time, reject any advertisement for any reason it deems appropriate, even after publication.

External Links

The Website and its individual web pages may contain links to websites maintained by third parties whose information and data protection practices are different from those of linq. linq is not responsible for the information or data protection practices used on third party websites. Before using other websites, it is recommended that you read and understand their terms of use and privacy policy. linq does not control the availability, content, Privacy Policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites to which linq refers through «links», hyperlinks or advertising banners. linq shall in no way be deemed to endorse or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it links or to be associated with them in any other way. Reference to other websites does not create any liability on the part of linq as to their availability, quality, completeness, content or operation in accordance with the law, whether in relation to intellectual and industrial property rights or any other third-party rights. The use of links and third-party websites is at the risk of the Member or visitor. Therefore, visitors are required to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact their providers directly for anything arising from their visit and/or use.

Social Media

Both Visitors and Members may follow linq through its Facebook pages (Social Media) to learn about linq’s news, comment and participate in special promotions. Any products or services offered by linq through Social Media and all information communicated, submitted or offered by linq through its Social Media accounts will be subject to these General Terms and Conditions.


linq is the intellectual creator and legal owner and administrator of the Service, and hereby grants to the Member the rights to access and use the Service in accordance with these General Terms. linq owns and shall retain in its possession and ownership all right, title and interest (a) in and to the Service, its functions and features (including but not limited to: its Software, its programs, the philosophy, methodology and techniques by which it is designed, its model, algorithms, information and materials, its know-how regarding the Service and its Software, and any modifications, customizations, configurations of the Service and its Software, derivative All content on the Site, such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images, sound clips, and software («Content»), is the property of us or our employers and/or other suppliers, and is protected by Greek and European copyright and other intellectual property laws. The intellectual property rights inherent in the compilation (i.e. the presentation, selection, selection, collection, arrangement and aggregation) of all Content on the Site are the exclusive property of linq which manages and operates the Site. The software, available on our website or in the app downloaded to your mobile phone, and that of our suppliers, is copyrighted. Any use of the content and/or software that is not in accordance with this Agreement, as well as the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance of the content of the Site is prohibited unless expressly stated to be permitted. The appearance of the content on the Site does not constitute and should not be construed as a transfer or assignment of any license or right to use the content. In particular, no right or license, express or implied, to linq’s Intellectual Property Rights is granted to Members by these Terms. Ownership of the Service, its content and related materials shall remain solely with linq.


Regarding the type of Users’ personal data collected by linq, the purpose of its collection and processing, the recipients of the data and the purpose for which they may be transmitted to them, as well as the exercise of Users’ rights regarding their data, please visit linq’s Privacy Policy.  linq keeps a record of the data voluntarily provided by linq Members for the use of the Site and the Service in order to provide the services described above Login to the Site will be made with a special password and access password unique to each User. These passwords ensure the confidentiality of transactions and the security of the system and are used exclusively by the Customer. linq will use this data only to meet its internal needs without transmitting them, in whole or in part, to third parties, unless permitted or required by law. By voluntarily providing his/her data, the Member provides his/her explicit consent to the processing of his/her data in the context of the intended transaction and the direct promotion of similar products or services of linq or to serve similar purposes, maintaining his/her rights under the applicable Greek legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (a. the right to information (Article 13), b. the right of access (Article 15), c. the right of rectification (Article 16), d. the right to erasure «right to be forgotten» (Article 17), e. the right to restriction of processing (Article 18), f. the right to data portability (Article 20 where applicable) and g. the right to object (Article 21).


Final Terms

The present General Terms are the final and only terms in effect with respect to linq’s provision of the Service to Member and supersede any prior terms, prior agreements and arrangements, whether written or oral, between linq and Member regarding the use of the Service.


Any failure by linq to exercise in a timely manner any of its rights under the law or these terms against any third party shall in no way imply implied estoppel, estoppel, consent, non-objection or implied waiver and shall be at linq’s sole discretion to exercise any of its rights in whole or in part when and if it deems appropriate. If any term herein shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid and therefore unenforceable, such term shall not invalidate the remaining terms herein, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Invalidity of Terms

In the event that any part of this document is declared or determined by a court decision to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining part of this document, which shall remain in force as if these General Terms and Conditions had been executed with the invalid part deleted. The invalidity or nullity of any one or more of the terms hereof for any other reason shall in no way affect the validity of the remainder. linq will seek to replace any invalid term with a new valid term, the effect of which will be the nearest equivalent of that which was invalidated.

The Applicable Law – Jurisdiction

Any dispute between the contracting parties concerning the application, interpretation, invalidity of the terms of the contract, the existence or non-existence of rights and obligations of the contracting parties under the contract or in tort, shall be interpreted in accordance with Greek law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of the city of Athens, to the jurisdiction of which the parties voluntarily submit as of today._


  1. Members and their Authorized Users are obligated to use the Service in accordance with the General Terms, and applicable laws and regulations and in good faith and in accordance with morality.
  2. The above persons are prohibited from:
    • Any use of the Service for any purpose other than to offer, search and find a job.
    • Any access or attempted access to information and data (including personal data) handled through the Service for which they have no authority or power to use.
    • Accessing the Service for the purpose of creating or producing a product or service that competes with the Service and the Service Software.
    • Use of the Service for the purpose of providing services on their behalf to third parties, other than those permitted in the General Terms.
    • Selling, leasing, disposing, transferring, assigning, licensing, presenting, transmitting and generally commercially exploiting the License to access and use the Service and the rights granted to them under the Permission in accordance with the  General Terms.
    • Facilitating in any way and by any means third parties to gain access to the Service and to any data (including personal data) and information. The transmission and transfer of viruses, sending and transmitting documents and Information which are illegal, harmful, threatening, defamatory, dangerous to the security of the Service, and to the reputation and reputation of linq, its Affiliates and Associates and other Members of the Service.
    • Posting messages, Information, Documents and other data and information and providing any data (including personal data) and information that may contain abusive, threatening, defamatory and generally illegal content.
    • Any action that is or is deemed to be detrimental to the interests of linq, its Affiliates and/or Affiliates and other Members of the Service or may prevent any third party from using the Service.
    • The sale, assignment, leasing, transfer, processing of any data obtained through the use of the Service to any third party and for any purpose.
    • Posting or transmitting content that is inappropriate, illegal, abusive, harmful, threatening, offensive, abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, vulgar, indecent, pornographic, blasphemous, and in any way contrary to morality, invasive of another’s privacy, confidential, embarrassing, or likely to cause annoyance, distress or unnecessary anxiety to third parties, expresses racial, religious, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way, infringes the copyright or other proprietary rights of others, is used to collect or store personal data of others, promotes alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, gambling and betting, weapons, explosives, promotes pyramid schemes, illegal activities or in any way violates the law or the Terms of Use, is promotional, recommends or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or violate the law, or violate the rights of any third party in any country in the world, contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, impair, interfere with the operation of, or destroy any software, equipment or computer hardware, or is deemed inappropriate in linq’s sole discretion.
    • Any kind of Software piracy, hacking and/or data (including personal data) and information theft.
    • The introduction to the Service, the sending and transmission of information or programs – Software that may contain viruses or other harmful features that may either cause malfunction of the Service, or cause excessive traffic on the Service, thus making it difficult for other Users to use the Service.
    • Using the Service in any manner that, regardless of intent, (whether fraudulent or negligent) could cause the Service to malfunction.
    • Any dispatch of External Links during the communication of Candidate Members – Member Businesses through the linq platform. External Link means any attempt by any member to refer the other member to a site external to the linq platform.
    • The licensing, resale, rental, leasing, assignment, subcontracting and disposal in any manner whatsoever of the Service to third parties for any use and purpose other than the uses expressly permitted hereunder.
    • Decomplication, copying, modification, alteration, distribution, presentation of the Software included in the Service or any part thereof and/or editing its source code in any way.
    • Η σύνδεση της Υπηρεσίας με οποιοδήποτε προϊόν/ Υπηρεσία των Μελών, χωρίς τη ρητή και έγγραφη συγκατάθεση της linq.
    • Linking the Service to any Member product/service without the express written consent of linq.
    • Any action that may affect the ability of other Members to use the Service, or infringe the rights of other Members, such as but not limited to their intellectual property rights, personal data, etc.
    • The use of mechanisms, software or other actions that interfere with the normal functioning of the Service.
    • Any copying, analog/digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of derivative works of the Service and its components described herein.
  3. In the case that the Member is in doubt as to whether any action or omission constitutes a violation of this Acceptable Use Policy and/or if the Member wishes to report to linq any violation of the present Policy that has come to his/her attention, he/she may contact linq at [email protected].